25 July
The Buena Vista Social Club project was born by accident. One day a Wim Wenders (one of which won the Palme d'Or for best film at Cannes with "Himmel ueber Berlin") after another undertaking, decides to go on holiday in Cuba
Only he is a professional and goes behind the camera with which it begins to shoot some footage. He takes home some immages and shows them as "home movies holiday" to a great guitarist, Ry Cooder.
Since some eighty-year-old resume that great sound in Havana, comes out of a project to make a documentary on the great musicians in the Cuban capital. The name comes from one of the local historians of Cuba precastrista. The documentary will be a great success but also will lead to a return of Cuban music (and ethnic music) at the top in the rankings.
This year - with a training journal for personal reasons - will be in Gardone.